On your way to the next challenge? We will help you get there!
Ants Tech Recruiters is a specialist tech recruitment company. Since 2008, we have been recruiting people within tech, and currently, we have 50+ employed tech recruiters 🐜 🚀
We are leading experts in helping companies attract, evaluate and appoint people to positions within development and operations departments.
Are you working in tech (i.e. developer, product owner, QA) and looking for a new opportunity? We are the right company to help you get there!
Why should I find my dream job through Ants?
Experts in tech recruitment - We are experts and have been recruiting in tech for the last 15+ years.
Collaboration with great companies - We cooperate with well-known companies such as H&M, Tobii, Doktor24 and other great companies.
Don't waste time - You can easily find jobs and apply in one place and thereby you save time.
Friendly - We value a personal and individualized connection with our candidates.
Current positions available
Frontendutvecklare till Miraya
Software Engineering · Stockholm
Fullstack-utvecklare (.NET) till Carnegie Investment Bank
Software Engineering · Stockholm
Frontend Lead till Symplify
Software Engineering · Stockholm · Hybrid
Product Manager to Cobolt
IT Business Partner till Wennstrom Solutions & Service AB
IT Operations & Support · Malmö
Product Manager to Rillion
Product & Business · Stockholm · Hybrid
Fullstack-utvecklare till Symplify
Software Engineering · Stockholm · Hybrid
Tysktalande Customer Development Manager
Product & Business · Sverige · Fully Remote
Senior Software Developer
Software Engineering · Stockholm · Hybrid
Common asked questions
The recruitment processes differ since we work with different clients and adapt to their internal recruitment process.
If you apply for a job and go to the first stage the recruiter will explain the recruitment process for you. You can also email the responsible recruiter. Their email is usually placed at the bottom of the job ad.
You will be directly hired by the company mentioned in the job ad.
If you want to work with recruitment at Ants, visit our career page by clicking here.

Didn't find an open position that fits your profile?
No problem. Connect with your LinkedIn profile (or with your CV) and get the latest updates on the positions we are filling with the best companies in the industry.
Connect with us!
About Ants
Our mission is to solve the prevailing shortage of IT-competence and thereby, play a central role within the increasing need of recruiting programmers and developers.
In order to do that, our strategy is to specialize in headhunting and roles that are difficult to recruit. This has led us to develop models for how to attract and engage the right candidates. With an agile approach, solid networks and a close cooperation with our customers, we are the market leaders within recruiting tech competence and provides our customers the conditions to continue growing.
Already working at Ants?
Let’s recruit together and find your next colleague.